Wednesday, February 1, 2012

A Sunny Saturday

It's been a while. And to be honest, while the project behind this blog was to learn to celebrate the magic and the mundane moments in life, recently I haven't felt much like celebrating the mundane. And that's what our days have largely consisted of lately. This past Saturday, however, was one of those sweet days...

My sweet man was off work, which meant that the three of us were able to spend the whole day together. Not only that, but we were having a rare bit of sunshine. Deciding to take advantage of it, we took the little girl to the park for her *first time.  It was chilly and windy, but it was good to get outside in the fresh air and get a bit of sunshine!

*I did take her once before, but she was tiny and slept in a sling while I talked to the other mama's, so clearly it doesn't count. Poor deprived girl.

Yes - she is that brilliant! Writing her own name, upside down, at 13 mo. old. It's my genes. :)

That evening, Drew and I embarked on our second bi-weekly date night! Our plans to try out a local place for some pizza and brews were derailed when we drove by and saw the restaurant completely empty.  On a Saturday night. Not encouraging. 

We decided to forgo those plans for something a little more popular and safe...We drove around busy downtown until we finally chose a restaurant slightly off the beaten path, but still a popular joint. In fact, it was the place we sort of* had our first date.

 *Truth is, we were actually in that pre-dating-but-really-dating-and-pretending-the-mutual-attraction-and-flirting-weren't-really-a-relationship phase...silly, silly us!

It was casual, relaxed, and just what we were in need of.

It's becoming more and more evident to me that these date-nights are really critical for us. Maybe it's having a child, or the busyness of 3.5 jobs (between the two of us) + school (him) or just the fact that we've been married a few years now, but taking the time out to be intentional about connecting has quickly become something I cherish, crave and look forward to in between. I think this might be a resolution that will stick around. 

1 comment:

  1. Great blog! My hubby and I were just talking about the fact that we needed to have date night and that it is important to both of us to "reconnect".
