Sunday, February 19, 2012

Intentionality in the physicality

Intentional. That seems to be our theme word of 2012.. Learning to be more intentional about life, to celebrate the moment and live in the present. As I've talked about before, for me, this means ceasing to live in the past of regret or in the plans of tomorrow, but by doing what I can today.

This take a change in mindset, but also a change in our realities as well. So far this year, our family managed to take steps that direction by initiating a bi-weekly date night and being more conscientious about planning and scheduling, rather than our norm of long-term dreaming and just letting our day-to-day happen to us. Just in the last week, we seized our opportunities to carve out time to enjoy one another and create little adventures not just once, but twice! (But more on that later).

The next step for me is to challenge myself to "seize the day" physically as well. I want to be healthier, to be more fit, to be comfortable in my skin and confident my body can do whatever I need or want it to, on any occasion. I want to be an example to my daughter of health, fitness and of the way I see and relate to my body. That starts now. Not tomorrow, or next week. And my first step that direction is to challenge myself to do the 30 Day Shred (Jillian Michaels).

While I tend to stay somewhat active through running or other various exercises, routine and consistency are tremendously elusive. Running is the only form of exercise I've ever really managed to do with much regularity, but that proves quite difficult in the winter with shorter daylight hours and often wet weather (for some reason Jennie opposes being strapped down to a stroller and having dirty rainwater sprayed in her face). But with a 20 minute strength and cardio routine all rolled into one, I can't really create any excuses not to do it - so 30 Day Shred it is. 

I actually started on Friday and managed to stick with it Saturday as well, but as I've decided to take Sundays off, I almost feel like I've already quit before I've begun. But tomorrow is Monday and it'll be back to it then. With an intense work schedule as I begin my new job this week, it'll be an exceptional challenge to begin an exercise routine, but I'm determined to stick with it with the hopes that in 28 days I'll feel stronger and more toned and will have established a habit of daily exercise. We'll see how this goes! Anyone want to take the challenge with me?

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


To Everything (Turn, Turn, Turn)
There is a season (Turn, Turn, Turn)
And a time to every purpose, under Heaven

A time to be born, a time to die
A time to plant, a time to reap
A time to kill, a time to heal
A time to laugh, a time to weep
-The Byrds

To everything, there is a season - and it seems this season is one of change.

Gradually, over the last couple of weeks, it seems the weather is finally changing. Less clouds, less rain, less fog, and more glorious sunshine. It's a change I'm intensely grateful for. As the sun has come out, I'm realizing that I've also been coming out from under a dark cloud that I didn't even fully realize was there. But as the sunshine and blue skies have emerged, I've realized I'm finally feeling human again, finally feeling like myself again after months of winter blahs. Able to live, able to hope, able to enjoy. It's a good feeling. Who knew the sunshine could do so much?

I'm transitioning out of one job and into another. A good change. A needed change. One that will bring me closer to my goals and the future I feel called to. That's the big picture. 
The small one is full of messy juggling of schedules, obligations, details and feelings of guilt and anxiety as I'm tugged in many directions at once. 

My sweet husband is about to finish school and wrap up his months of online night classes (YAY!!). This has been a colossal challenge for him (and our family) and I couldn't be more proud of his commitment and effort...or more excited that it's about to conclude. 
In addition to that, he's transitioning into a new phase of work with not just one of his two jobs, but both. Major changes. More juggling of schedules, obligations and details.

My precious little girl is growing up (literally - 4 inches in 3 months!). She's in a funky in-between stage as she transitions from napping twice a day to only napping once a day. Schedules are off and it's throwing us all for a bit of a loop. 
Sleep is a big deal. Who knew?
And due to my work transition, we're moving towards weaning her from nap-time nursing. (Not the most fun I've ever had). 
Her will and opinions only grow stronger by the day and I wrestle with how to discipline a 13 month old (any brilliant suggestions?), how to reach her heart, how to guide her towards Christ? Changes.

And quite fittingly, even our home is undergoing transition as we remove it's rags and re-dress it in some much needed new siding. A welcome change indeed.

Helping Daddy work on the house
Change is hard. Even if it is change towards something better, it's hard to adjust, adapt, be flexible and let go of the ever present illusion of control that we so desperately cling to. Change shakes things up, switches up the routine, moves us out of our comfort zone and shows us just how tightly we hold on to our image of how things should go and how much we want to control them. It forces us to recognize our lives, our times are masterfully managed not by dedicated use of day planners, constant access to email and intentional planning conversations, but by our God, our Father, who is the same, yesterday, today and tomorrow. It is a great comfort, indeed, to be grounded to the eternal Solid Rock who never changes. 

 Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.
2 Cor. 4. 16-18

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

A Sunny Saturday

It's been a while. And to be honest, while the project behind this blog was to learn to celebrate the magic and the mundane moments in life, recently I haven't felt much like celebrating the mundane. And that's what our days have largely consisted of lately. This past Saturday, however, was one of those sweet days...

My sweet man was off work, which meant that the three of us were able to spend the whole day together. Not only that, but we were having a rare bit of sunshine. Deciding to take advantage of it, we took the little girl to the park for her *first time.  It was chilly and windy, but it was good to get outside in the fresh air and get a bit of sunshine!

*I did take her once before, but she was tiny and slept in a sling while I talked to the other mama's, so clearly it doesn't count. Poor deprived girl.

Yes - she is that brilliant! Writing her own name, upside down, at 13 mo. old. It's my genes. :)

That evening, Drew and I embarked on our second bi-weekly date night! Our plans to try out a local place for some pizza and brews were derailed when we drove by and saw the restaurant completely empty.  On a Saturday night. Not encouraging. 

We decided to forgo those plans for something a little more popular and safe...We drove around busy downtown until we finally chose a restaurant slightly off the beaten path, but still a popular joint. In fact, it was the place we sort of* had our first date.

 *Truth is, we were actually in that pre-dating-but-really-dating-and-pretending-the-mutual-attraction-and-flirting-weren't-really-a-relationship phase...silly, silly us!

It was casual, relaxed, and just what we were in need of.

It's becoming more and more evident to me that these date-nights are really critical for us. Maybe it's having a child, or the busyness of 3.5 jobs (between the two of us) + school (him) or just the fact that we've been married a few years now, but taking the time out to be intentional about connecting has quickly become something I cherish, crave and look forward to in between. I think this might be a resolution that will stick around.